Rocket Switch Panel Circuit led Breaker along with Voltmeter and 2 USB Switches Image
Rocket Switch Panel Circuit led Breaker along with Voltmeter and 2 USB Switches Image
Rocket Switch Panel Circuit led Breaker along with Voltmeter and 2 USB Switches Image
Rocket Switch Panel Circuit led Breaker along with Voltmeter and 2 USB Switches Image

Rocket Switch Panel Circuit led Breaker along with Voltmeter and 2 USB Switches

₹ 3900₹ 699944% OFF
  • Key Features

    Input Voltage 12 24v.

  • The 6-bit switch panel product with 6 switches which control the switch status of six appliances.

  • single switch control of the electrical system will automatically power off if the overload electric current pass.


Rocket Switch Panel Circuit led Breaker along with Voltmeter and 2 USB Switches. The 6-bit switch panel product with 6 switches which control the switch status of six appliances.

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